Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ 4G Downloads
Rom Mother Module
- Updated source base to FUCD Sec Patch 04-2021
- Performance and Bug fixes
Complete Rewrite of installation procedure please refer to Installation page
Rom Module
- Updated source base to EUA5 Sec Patch 01-2021
- Vanced Manager updated to 2.3.0
- Performance and Bug fixes
Rom Base
- Updated source base to EUA5 Sec Patch 01-2021
- Performance and Bug fixes
Rom Module
- Updated Google apps (Google Edition only)
- Performance and Bug fixes
Rom Base
- Updated Kernel with Magisk 21.4
Rom Module
- Fixed SafetyNet it now passes
- Updated Google apps (Google Edition only)
- Google Emojis are now a optional install (Google Edition only)
- Updated Nova Launcher to 7.0 beta 14 ( Google Edition only)
- Script updates
- Performance and Bug fixes
Rom Base
- Updated Kernel with Magisk 21.3
Rom Module
- Updated source base to ETLL Android 11 OneUi 3.0 Sec Patch 12_2020
- Fixed wallpapers
- Updated Google apps
- Updated Nova Launcher to 7.0 beta 11
- Script updates
- Performance and Bug fixes
Rom Base
- Updated source base to ETLL Android 11 OneUi 3.0 12_2020 sec patch
- Updated SHRP Recovery to 3.0
- Fixed SHRP flashing certain zip files
- Updated 420rom Kernel to 11.1.1
- Performance and Bug fixes
v8.2 Changelog
Rom Module
- Fixed CSC Mods on Note 10 N970F
- Fixed System information in Settings on Note 10 N970F
- Performance and Bug fixes
Known Issues
-Viper4AndroidFX does not currently work with the Rom Module
v8.1 Changelog
Rom Module
- Re-added Note 10 N970F to the Rom Module (must be on Stock Rooted Base)
- Added Selectable CSC features (so you can now choose which ones you want and don't)
- Performance and Bug fixes
V8,0 Bases and Rom Modules have been Released
Rom Module
- Files Rebased to DTJ4 11-2020 Security Patch
- Performance and Bug fixes
- Updates all included Apps For Samsung and Google Editions
Module Base
- Files Rebased to DTJ4 11-2020 Security Patch
- Magisk Manager updated to 8.0.3
- Performance and Bug fixes
Rom Module
-Added multi OMC code support - the module will detect your OMC code, OXM, OWO etc etc, and apply the relevant OMC folders to ensure no clashes with the product partition and the CSC features etc. - Basically supporting every CSC's firmware available on sammobile for N975F and N976B
-Files rebased to CTGA
-Big install script tidy up and recode using functions
Module Base
-Rebased to CTGA
-The base changes to no red warning boot automatically - PM me and i'll show you how to disable this
-Latest 420rom kernel based on cruel added
-Latest SHRP recovery added to base
-Test beds for new multi OMC code support - Not released - rebased to CTG1
-Fully odexed everything - Rom module will now work very smoothly on either 420rom module base or Rooted Stock
-added youtube vanced option
-added 3minit clock option
-added final fix for 3minit battery
-module bases have been fully odexed
Rom Modules:
-massive overhaul of script and module structure to bring the 5 supported devices into one zip. - 5 device all in one solution!
-fix for bluetooth pairing issue on root - thanks @3arthur6
-rebrand of module and added a few wallpapers
Module Bases
-One for each note device supported
-Do away with warning on splash option in Aroma
-Install SHRP recovery option
-Install correct CSC files based on your CSC - Just select your CSC from the list in Aroma
-Much much cleaner installation experience than previous bases thanks to the newly implemented and aforementioned AROMA!!
-Module recognizes whether you're on stock rooted or our base rom and gives you the relevant custom options on install - big script re-rite hence v2.
-Fixed 3minit battery as res folder was in wrong app folder.
-improved and more informative installation experience.
-new way of implementing multidisabler in rom
-lastly we now have our own team SHRP recovery!!!!!
-Rebased to CDT1 on both devices
-WALLPAPERS added to wallpaper-res.apk
-3minit battery added
-Option to re-add bixby (if you use that lol)
-hopefully sorted out carrier bloat after Dr Ketan's advice
-DEBLOAT - fix for bixby removal (missed an apk in 1.1)
-CHAT SETTINGS - restructured omc folders for the gazillionth time to fix RCS chat settings (took ages to work this out lol) all good now, cscfeatures AND chat settings now perfect
-SECSETTINGS - 420'd secsettings in both module and rom (you have an option of either custom secsettings app, 1 with logo only in software information, the other has a 420 banner on all phone info screens, selectable as an option at install)
-added samsung daily under Bixby options
-fixed upday not removing
-fixed kids home not removing
-fixed facebook not removing
V1.0 - first non Beta release!!!
-extensive changes to omc folders and code for features - CSC features are now injected into the xmls depending on what CSC you are under!! (rather than replacing the xmls with a crappy generic copy) - this should drastically improve reliability and hopefully not break anything - I removed one or two defunct features.
-rebased to CTC9 (Both devices)
-made remove system update a standard feature
-added Bluetooth fix for gear - thanks @onkel_tom and @lupin (and anyone else involved)
-will include pairing on reboot as soon as tests allow. - I had a pretty nasty crash earlier today - need to make sure that's not this
-the knackered mule the work for v1 was done on - not released
-added option for installing v4a
-added option to remove Tips
-added tonnes of prop tweaks
-Rebased files to BTC1 (N976B) & BTB9 (N975F)
-Added option for custom 420 Bootanimation
-Added option for GoodLock
-Added option for SoundAssistant
V0.6 - Not released
-Worked out vol +/- custom install options:
-Add SamsungSans
-Remove Bixby
-Remove Chrome
-Remove Netflix
-Remove kidshome
-Remove software update
-Remove Facebook_stub
-Remove FBservices
-Remove Upday
-Remove Onedrive
-knox remains (for now)
-removed FBservices
-removed all bixby crap apart from the useful camera bits
-removed chrome
-removed netflix
v0.5.1 - Unreleased
-Final rework of OMC folders in module so that bear minimum is replaced - 5g should now be fixed for all users - thanks @Leeum for testing fix
-partial success at removing knox - thanks @abun880007 - we'll keep on this
-removed bixby
-removed facebook
v0.5 - "Durban Poison"
-removed facebook_stub
-removed upday
-New Bootanimation Included
v0.4.1 - "Purple Punch" - Rebased to BTB4 firmware
- Feb sec patch
- added the following to CSC Fetures
-camera features
-vibrate for notifications incall
-enabled display mirroring
-reboot with safe mode enabled
-control font size with volume keys in messages
-enabled text templates
-MMS with data off enabled
-Enabled full context menu in messages
-enabled add sender info when forwarding
-enabled block call message
-enabled dual dashboard in smart manager
-enabled call reject count (voice recorder)
-enabled clear today's history (web)
-enabled home page option (web)
-enable visible wifi password (presumably when entering password)
-and a few more!!!
v0.4 - Never released.
- a futile attempt at merging multidisabler - if anyone can help please shout lol
previous versions...
V0.3.1 – Based on BTA1/2 firmware
RO-Knox and TIMA bollox set to zero
CSC features now applied to all CSC folders
Removed software update and FOTAagent.apk
V0.3 – Based on BTA1/2 firmware
Fixed 5G Connectivity
Restructured OMC folders to provide Multi CSC support
Applied CSC features to most OMC folders
Fixed Camera Force close bug
V0.2 – Based on BTA1/2 firmware
-(edit) this version was dog s##t :silly:
V0.1 - Based on BTA1/2 firmware
Magisk 20.3 included - thanks @topjohnwu
Zipaligned framework apps
removed DM_Verity
removed Force_encrypt
removed knox
debloated basic crap
Version and Sec Patch
Release Date
420rom Master Module - Google Edition
Coming Back Soon
